
Kelato GastroAID Recovery


GastroAID Recovery (formerly GastroAID Digestive) is Kelato’s ultimate supplement, targeting both foregut and hindgut health, aiding recovery from gastric ulcers and other common digestive conditions.

GastroAID Recovery is unique as it provides therapeutic levels of the “coating agents” pectin and lecithin, which form a barrier over the stomach wall to protect it from acid burn and strengthen the mucosal lining.

GastroAID Recovery is designed for horses with equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS), horses recovering from EGUS, or those under a significant amount of stress. If your horse is prone to developing gastric ulcers, we recommend using GastroAID Recovery during stressful periods.

How does GastroAID Recovery benefit your horse?

A healthy digestive system means a healthier horse. GastroAID Recovery will help bring your horse back to its full potential by:

• Optimising total gut function
• Protecting total gut health
• Improving feed conversion efficiency

GastroAID Recovery helps your horse’s gut better cope with the stresses of exercise, stabling, travelling and competition. You will start to notice positive changes in your horse such as a better attitude, ability to perform, improved body condition, a glossier coat, increased appetite and manure consistency.



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